Thursday, October 25, 2007

After You Die

Do you remember what people used to always say, after reading a fortune cookie? For example, you will have great success this week . . . "in bed."

I have seen many people refer to their faith this way.

"blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven . . . after they die"

"And blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted . . . after they die"


Many Christians are not aware that the blessings that are spoken of in the Bible are for this life.

I am not trying to proclaim a prosperity gospel here. For a person in love with God, money, and fancy houses and cars have no value, except as something that can be sold and the resources put to better use for God.

Rather, the blessings that God wants people to experience in this life are Love, Joy, (Not happiness) and Peace. The blessings that the beatitudes are things that God wants us to experience here. And they are in fact, the by-product, or the fruit of our relationship with God.

Michael Luz

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